Letter by letter, word by word, I reach out. From my fingertips
flow pure feelings. My memories alive, my spirit full, my heart pours forth with love for you.
It is a moon wrapped in brown paper. It is honest emotion, wrapped raw, with all barriers down. Wrapped, longing for connection. It is this heart that beats in my chest, that beats for you my love, this Valentine’s Day — and every other.
rob kistner © 2022
Poetry at: dVerse
This is gorgeously romantic, Rob! 😀
Thank you Sanaa – that means a great deal coming from you… 🙂
Rob, if you have such a love, you are blessed. Wonderful Beatles tune to go with it.
I have such a love that intense, and and I am so grateful for it. She is still in my life — despite all the stupid things I’ve done.
I love your declaration of your true love! It is a beautiful way to show your forever love for her!
Glad it resonated for you Dwight… 🙂
thank you Carol!
Oh gosh Ron, 😉
Thank you Selma… 🙂
Luv the heart honest and bare. The end-line: what every girl wants to hear.
much love…
Thank you Gillena. Much love to you my ftiend
Soul-searching, searing…honest….’real’ writing, Rob — no holds barred, straight from where it counts, to the same…
I still feel how those feelings felt, when they were at their most intense — that is what I was writing to. And though time may have dialed down some of the volume, and the idealistic timbre of those early love notes, I still hear them — and they were that intense, and still resonate in a place in my heart… so I am so thankful for them, and still able to write to them genuinely.
Thank you David… 🙂
Sure hope you shared this with her. Very sweet.
Sigh, I remember receiving beautiful Valentine love letters … thankful for the warm memories.
You are welcome Helen… 🙂
The moon wrapped in brown paper is a good metaphor for the heart.
It’s the one we were given to work with JYP, though not one I wojld have immediately conjured… 🙂
Made my heart go ‘pitter pat’. <3
Glad it resonated for you Susan…:)
I love how you used the line… so much promise of that moon glowing inside.
Yes! 🙂
true love is accepting each other, warts and all … supporting through the tough times, etc … and you two have done that! A loving tribute to your partner
Not heard this beatles song before, so gentle
Our relationship has had its blemishes Kate, but the depth and richness that comes from commitment overshadows our frail, sometimes faulty humanity. Took me a 40 years, and 3 marriages to figure that out. Finally I got it right in 1987 — 35 years, and on it goes! 🙂
How tender and romantic this is Rob.
thank you Linda. I found the yin for my yang here in my “Smilin’ Bob” piece. Gotta keep it balanced. 😉