• one free verse poem
• one haiku

the old man sat quietly
day after day
hands resting on his knees
day after day
hardly moving
save to raise his hand
to brush his brow
or adjust his cap
day after day
on the same park bench
at the pond
near the same tree
same willow
you could watch him come
see him leave
at dinner time
day after day
sitting there
hands on his knees
same bench
same tree
one morning
as he sat there
I left my office
walked across the street
into the park
approached him
and sat down beside him
he said nothing
so we sat together
for a while
on the bench
by the tree
I spoke up
why do you sit here
old man
sit here
day after day
here on this bench
watching the pond
so quietly
he tilts his head
speaks softly
I’ve come here for years
he says
but how can that be
I say
these office buildings
this park
they’re all new
how could you have come
to this park
for years
not to this park
he says
not to this park
to this tree
and all my friends
came to willow pond
to this tree
this old willow
for years
day after day
I ask
why to this tree
quiet smile
we played cards
in its shade
he explains
we talked
we listened
at the pond
in its wonderful shade
day after day
this wonderful willow
where are your friends
I ask
why are they not here
with you
on the bench
he hesitates
they are gone
he says finally
gone where
I ask
is all he says
hands on his knees
all gone
I say
I see
do you
is all he says
so why do you sit here
day after day
I ask
he stares straight ahead
and after a bit
he says
I’m listening
I say
listening for what
he sits quietly
for a while
without changing his gaze
without raising his hands
from his knees
he says
for anything
anything familiar
a small tear
in the corner of his eye
• • •

purple finch sings out
budding trees are plentiful
spring is upon us
• • •
poem and haiku by: rob kistner © 2010
A double treat again, Rob.
That old man could be any one of us in years to come.
The finch gives us hope…
loved both poems!
I love that the old man was listening for anything familiar — such a powerful ending.
Love the narrative of the first poem and how the structure reflects the conversation.
Such a hearing-it-aloud quality to “The Willow”, the narrative just flows, and there’s a tenderness in it, and understanding.
Your haiku is a lovely little gem.
Willow trees are my favorite. Thank you for this beautiful, though bittersweet, image.
Hi Rob,
I felt sympathy with the old man, having to tolerate the dummy beside him! A poignant poem.
Wonderful work Rob, Wonderful work!
I loved “The Willow.” So beautiful, and it flowed so well. Usually long poems scare me off, but I couldn’t stop reading this one. I was riveted.
I love how you include photos with your work as well!
Rob, I am totally digging your free verse. It really speaks to me. Especially:
he hesitates
they are gone
he says finally
Pain. It reminds me of pain, but it also reminds me of overcoming loss.
My god Rob! You have done a beautiful and moving piece here. It choked me up, I almost started crying. Beautiful!
Your Day 2 poem is such a touching story! Favorite lines:
“he sits quietly
for a while
without changing his gaze
without raising his hands
from his knees
he says
for anything
anything familiar”
I very much enjoyed both poems though!
Truly beautiful. My heart aches for that man.
I love the first poem. I like how the repetition echoes the man’s actions. Such a moving poem.
Nice work, Rob! I want to sit by that tree…
Both are beautiful. The old man’s words at the end of the first poem made me cry.
Great stuff, Rob! I found myself in the old man’s soul. Very touching! I enjoyed the Haiku as well!
Very touching poem Rob…
and I felt how sad the man was…maybe he is trying to see a lost beloved…
Good morning!
love the photos! nice stuff:-)
had to read it again Rob…very nice
Beautiful – both the photo and the poem
Love the rhythm and repetition in Willow–poignant.
The bloomed weeping willow of the spring by the pond- the bench and the tear- says it all ever so subtly.Beautiful.
Beautiful and poignant and full of compassion.
Hi Rob, I’ve had to move Carry On Tuesday to a new address. Hope to see you there. Keith.
‘Impressive blog — ‘one of the best designs I’ve seen, and packed full of content. ‘Well done. (applause, applause…)
The old man is “listening”; perhaps to hear the voice of G*d, perhaps to hear the joyful voices of his old friends. How we all try to listen to something else from somewhere else to give us hope of new tomorrows; that there is something other than what is here on the surface. These otherworldly voices could be calling the old man home to his heavenly home. When he hears something it will then be his “time” and he will gladly go with his friends to his new home. Spring encourages new tomorrows. For the old man who lives in the past with his many bittersweet memories, there is only the hope of a rebirth. He does so long to be with his old friends and loved ones all gone now. A sad and heart-wrenching poem yet hopeful in the word “glisten”. Transformational. The Haiku gives me a light breezy-air feeling and spring wings! Thank-you Rob!
places of memory…sweet poem…
I was just going with the flow .. and i didn’t realize when i was lost … 🙂
I hope you get found Nimue… 😉