• one free verse poem
• one three-poem suite
• one tanka

it appears everything is ready
for a great competition today
this has been the moment
we’ve anticipated
since the TV was paused
some 5 to 6 minutes ago
the first jar has made its appearance
I see the knife on the sideline
and the napkins indicate
they are ready
standing by
in case of accident
hands baxter signals
he’s ready
looks like tonight it will be wood
it is
the wood cutting board for this one
and it seems to be
it is
recycled material
well done
hands is reaching across the table now
grabbing hold of the plastic flap
he’s got a solid grip on the bread
with a swift and practiced maneuver
he wrestles two pieces to their backs
firmly on the board
he now grabs the jar by the lid
raises it to his chest
he’s struggling
can’t seem to…
no wait
hands has done it
the lid is free of the jar
he now has the knife in his right hand
and with deep probing jabs
he’s bringing blade full
after blade full
with deft swirling motions
from the jar
and spreading it layer after layer
on the helpless bread
unable to budge from the board
we just got a report
that the bread is indeed
honey oat nut
these are all first string players in this one
it appears hands has won the first
of what will be three contests
he has successfully achieved P and B tonight
and with great flair
no drops
no tears
masterfully done
there was that incident
with the tongue on the flat of the blade
but it was apparently a clean move
so no penalty assessed
we’re out of time for now
we will have to wait until next time
to see if grape
the big jar
makes it into the match
as hands baxter will be going for J
in the next round
if he can make it that far
then the big finale will be milk
so don’t miss that one
this is voice gruffly signing off
inviting you to stay with us
through this PB&J regional series
to see if baxter builds a big one
that’s all from here

I will see the earth today
as the heated air
fills my billows
I am aloft
in free floating flight
to abandon all control
I will resound to the earthbound
listen to their voices rise
tune to the animals
their symphony of sounds
I will drift as far and as long
as fuel and time permits
feel the wind take me
I will soar so high
leave the treetops
far below
until all I hear
is the voice of the breeze
see the world
bend away
over the horizons
see all it’s wonders
all of nature
the random
and the regimented
the wild
and geometric
I will see it all
from a different perspective
swept up in ever-climbing
silent ascent

I will glide
in buoyed flight
I will soar skyward
in sweeping circles
lift high on mighty thermals
never again to be earthbound
not a prisoner of this stone and clay
no longer captive of gravity today
this day will be soaring
and swooping
and diving
giving thanks for feathers
and hollow bones

the breeze of promise begins to freshen
waft and build
it gathers strength
belief awakens
I quicken
anticipation spirals anew
the building currents draw taut my line
with an urgent tug the moment arrives
I billow
stand and dance
my sail-skin fills
my leading edge
sculpted tight against my frame
caught full by the mounting breeze
I lift with grace
rise with purpose
deft hands
and a most careful eye
guide me safely airborne
further faster I ascend
carried skyward on friendly drafts
empowered by winds of fortune
this day I have taken flight

high meadow sparkles
crisp snow crunches under skis
midnight cross country
the landscape glows alien
like gliding across the moon
• • •
Too much for my feeble brain to absorb in one meal. I will have to come back to these. I enjoyed the peanut better, but balked at the change of mood!
That was an excellent commentary, and in the ‘skyward’suite’ you really became all of those things. And you topped it all of with a surreal look at nature.
Fine post.
Wow! You are prolific.
Time for honey nut oat to hit the showers!
Can’t wait to see next weeks BLT competition! Good one!
Goodness, after that first one I’m so very hungry now . . . and I don’t even like PB&J! But honey oat nut bread . . . omg. Love how you took such a simple and uneventful moment and turned it into something I want to nom!
Love the first one, cute!
That was some game!
I’ve often envied the birds and their ability to slip the surly bonds. Amazing imagery.
Rob, while I’m sure that you never intended this lead poem for commerical work, it has all the makings of a voice over for a Super-Bowl commercial and one that would cost a lot and sell a lot. You have range. I liked this. Well done.
Love the idea of a sandwich being the subject of a “sporting event.”
I remember when Howard Cosell was doing sports commentary on Woody Allen and Louise Laser’s final scene in “Bananas” when they were making love. HILARIOUS!
Great stuff, Rob!
lots to abssorb here Rob..well written as usual…another good one for sure