No Farewell



No Farewell

Inspired by Peter Sarstedt’s “Where Do You Go To My Lovely”


where do you go
in your head
he said

just more silence
always silence

so he left it
just as he had found it
and with a shrug
and walked away
saying nothing

this was
after all
always her way

he never knew
quite where her head was

to comment
would have been irrelevant
and he’d grown so weary
of irrelevance
so very weary

he goes away
no more comments
no farewell

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2019


  • Click to check out more October poems at Toads
  • 16 thoughts on “No Farewell”

    1. ‘he never knew quite where her head was’ (or his) ~~ most frustrating way to be in a relationship.

      1. There is likely nothing more hopeless than when a relationship goes silent. Even in the throes of argument there exists emotion, that can possibly be turned positive — because arguing comes from feelings. Silence is the absence of all feelings – it is the death knell of a relationship.

      1. No it is not Margaret, no it is not. But some people are weak, scared, lack the gut gumption to step away when the ride is over. Others actually find a strange kind of comfort/safety hanging with the devil they know — as long as they think pthey’re handling it. Starting a new relationship is damned hard work — and they fear they may end up with a devil they don’t know. Sad, but true. But again, that is a weak person, and weakness does not buy happiness.

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