She spent her life
building and feathering her nest
head down
consumed in the process
a woman committed
to the industry
of her task
so capable
so indendent
no time for distraction
wanting nothing
to interrupt
her single-minded endeavor
not needing
nor asking
for help
from anyone
she wanted
no sttings attached
finally one day
she rose up
to look around
to discover
she had achieved
every goal
every accomplishment
was indeed hers alone
but terribly alone
she had no one
she had it all
but at a cost
she was isolated
was entangled
in her cold
she felt
rob kistner © 2021
Poetry at: The Sunday Muse
How men imagine us single gals to be.
How anyone, who lives life always head down, might end up.
Yes, everything has its price………
Some higher than others!
Fantastic. You are on a roll!
Thank you! 🙂
I was waiting for the spider metaphors…for the web to begin entangling others. The end seemed to be more of an untangling, a spider devoutly against webs except those that were perfectly her own.
In addition to reading this profound poem. The fireblossom/Rob comment mini dialogue made me smile?
Much love…
Much love Gillena… 🙂
A haunting poem of a haunting truth! Beautiful poem Rob!
Thank you Carrie… 🙂
The I Ching says, as with all things, when a point of intolerance arrives, change comes. I believe this is true. Don’t feel sorry for the unraveling woman, she’s about to rev up a new cycle and get some new threads.
I hope and believe you are right. I think women may be who eventually save this fucked up world.