
Original DDE™ surrealistic art: “Cat-tastrophy” — by: rob kistner © 5/1/24

Selfies find me quite perturbed
one might say I look disturbed
it’s just that I’m fed up to here
with all the lies, truth is blurred

patience has been left behind me
might just loose my mind completely
madness seems to grip this world
that’s lost interest in reality

so who’s to say that I can’t fly
and whose right is it to question why
I wear my trousers inside out
it keeps the pockets dry

I see you smirking at my hat
it’s aluminum foil — imagine that
it helps with my cell phone reception
and fascinates my cats

yes I do lose track of time
hours, days — is that a crime
you know it’s all just one’s perspective
and I am very fond of mine

and I’ve a language of my own
like no other you’ve ever known
I speak it only to myself
and only when I’m all-alone

now if you see me on the street
notice the bells upon my feet
the ringing’s meant to scare you
not meant to be discreet
am I strange — perhaps that true
but I’m not nuts — I’m just offbeat

yet — sanity is so damned hard to find
this world has lost its fucking mind

rob kistner © 2024

Poetry at: dVerse


14 thoughts on “Offbeat”

  1. I never take selfies, but my daughter and husband have pulled me in for one with them a couple of times. I just don’t really like having my photo taken. Your poem resonates with me, Rob, the madness and lies in the world these days, and the feeling that we are out of control.

  2. Beware of the tin-foil hats… love your original take on the self (though I wonder if it is really you)

  3. I just love the off-beat you, Rob! You had me chuckling throughout. Thank you so much for sharing this. ??

  4. Bells on your feet, huh?! Loved every rhyme and rhythm and especially the sentiments topped by the last satisfyingly outraged couplet.

  5. Agreed! I especially love this whole section:

    “whose right is it to question why
    I wear my trousers inside out
    it keeps the pockets dry

    I see you smirking at my hat
    it’s aluminum foil — imagine that
    it helps with my cell phone reception
    and fascinates my cats”

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