The burst of cherry blossoms outside my window, always heralds an uplift in my mood. Their bright blooms bring a lightness to my spirit, that puts a smile in my heart. Their delicate countenance speaks to me of peace and gentle beauty, while the heady fragrance stirs thoughts and feelings of love.
They deliver me from the doldrums of winter into the joys of the unfolding spring, celebrating renewal and new possibility. The time of cherry blossoms is a sacred time of transcendence, to be honored and embraced with gratitude, for the blessing of rebirth. May this stricken world find rekindled hope.
In these terrible days of war, may the cherry blossoms of Dovzhenko and Rakoczy streets, and Pushkin Square, often called Sakura Alley, bloom forth as if in a fantastic Garden of Eden. May it serve to remind the people of Uzhgorod, in this beautiful Ukraine region, that hope and peace, just as these amazing blossoms, will return.
sweet pink blossoms burst
red spring buds have spread their wings
soon will be cherries
Pushkin Square in Uzhgorod, Ukraine
rob kistner © 2022
Poetry at: dVerse
Beautiful imagery! I enjoyed this haibun. Thank you.
Ghank you, you are so welcome Colleen. 😉
I was just in Uzhgorod Rob mate! Will take some photos as I should be back there shortly to pick up some stuff…wonderful, wonderful description! Wonderful photos used. An emotional post for me.
It’s interesting Ain, I was thinking of you as I wrote this post. I am so pleased it touched you, and very glad to see you commenting. I appreciate the kind words, and it lets me know you are still well… 🙂 …stay safe my friend!
Really was a lovely read..so well-written but a warm feeling knowing you were describing somewhere I had passed through a couple of weeks ago..possibly more now. Will try to find the same place as the photo and see shat the tree is like. Will be a long, long train ride…train drivers can’t even go home as some have been deliberate targets. Amazing guys. This post of yours picked me up from pretty far down to be honest. Dverse is like a lifeline.
I am so very glad I wax able to offer a little boost Ain! 🙂 I tried to leave a comment on your site to tell you how much I liked your piece from today — beautiful writing. I wax unable to post tyr commdnt. Stay safe!
Here are some more pics I found of the sakura cherry trees in Uzhgorod. Be safe my friend! https://ukrainetrek.com/blog/cities/sakura-blossom-in-uzhgorod/
Nature perseveres in spite of human beings. Seems the miraculous examples of the grandeur of life, right in front of us, goes unnoticed at our peril.
Nature always triumphs in the long tun.
An uplifting meditation on the significance of cherry blossom season–and peace. Well done!
Thankyou Frank! 🙂
Well said, Rob. Your heartfelt haibun is a reminder the hope and peace will return. A beautiful video as well.
Thank you Dwight!
I very much enjoyed your articulation of why the cherry blossoms are so important to our state of mind. Please let them bloom unmolested in the lands of war, to stand as a message to put down weapons and let peace reign.
I sm very glad this appeals to you…!
Thisis such a beautiful evocation of cherry blossom, and of hope. Perfectly pitched.
Thank you so much sarah! 🙂
A beautiful haibun stirring thpughts of hope.
Much love
Thank you Gillen, much love… 🙂
That’s such a lovely sentiment, Rob… If only…
Thank you David —lets hope for the better angels!
“May this stricken world find rekindled hope.”
Beautifully penned!
Thank you Mary!
I love how you picked up places… I have always thought about how blossoms come even in times of wars… like the poppies of Flander’s fields.
Thank you Bjorn. Right along with the shit and sorrows, there are constants of beauty and wonder in our lives — we just need to keep our eyes fully open to both life’s Yin & Yang.
A visual treat written with your words, Rob.
Thank you Misky!
That’s beautiful Rob. Spring seems very far away at the moment.
Hopefully it will come in more ways than one Katr. First we need to wrap the “winter” of this horrendous war, concocted by a monster who needs to be institutionalized.
Well said, Rob. We could do with some renewal.
Thank you Ken!