Love by the streetlight
on a starry autumn night
when carnal dreams ignite
smoldering as our urgent embraces
hot as our stolen kisses
as forever as our lover’s promises
in that distant
nubile midnight…
…sweet ghosts of my youth
tracked me down tonight
rob kistner © 2021
Poetry at: dVerse
Sarah. Patty. Darlene.
Ain’t it jus’so sweet my friend! ???????????
“ghosts of my youth tracked me down”, i.e. your youth is gone?
I love it when folk tell me, “Oh, you don’t look to be that old!”
I got the “you don’t look so old” thing for a while, but when I hit 73, and all the health issues of the past three years, my dewy look of youth is long gone. 🙂
I like “nubile midnight” expression.
Thank you Arcadia… 🙂
Rob, I love that artist! I’m glad those ghosts sought you out. Thank you for sharing that scene as it draws my old ghosts to me.
You are welcome Lisa, hope you had a nice visit with the past my friend… 🙂
Sounds like a lovely visit with those ghosts! Mesmerizing piece!
Thank you Tricia… 🙂
Nice one Rob
Thanks for dropping by my blog; but you spelt my name wrong.
The correct spelling is G I L L E N A
Much love…
Sorry my friend. My spellcheck always misspells your name, and hasn’t learned it correctly. I always catch it, but I hit the ”d” instead of the “e” and missed my error this time — sorry Gillena. 🙂
I like the ghostly visits from men I never knew 🙂
I think ghosts have gotten a bad rap Jane… 🙂
I can always trust you, Rob, to take an unromantic-sounding word like ‘tracks’ and turn it into a romantic poem. It’s been a very long time since I experienced ‘love by the streetlight / on a starry autumn night’. But David’s taking me out for a meal tonight…
Been a while for me Kim, but I have been blessed/cursed with vivid recall of setting and experience, and have been most fortunate to have had my ample of memorable experiences with wonderful women — can’t remember a name to save my life, but a face in a setting filled with a feeling — no problem. Have a wonderful dinner my friend… 🙂
oh boy! this hot night tracked us all down to our youths – brilliant Rob
Thank you Laura memories can certainly fire the spirits and imaginations. I hope you felt a spark.
I love how you turned this into a memory of passion, Rob. That streetlight and nubile midnight–sigh–but I particularly like your closing couplet. Excellent!
Thank you Merril… 😉
I remember those nights Rob…. I remember…..
(Great poem as usual !)
Thank you Kim… 🙂
This is beautiful! Feeling that ‘ghost’ is an out of body experience.
Reminded me of another great song.
Thank you Susan! Great tune! 🙂
From the stunning art to Neil Young’s Harvest Moon (a fave) this is perfection, Rob.
Thank you Helen. I have been tracked down by a great deal of the past this year. Just an old fart being nostalgic, but it warms the heart. Dome re-breaks the heart. I just got finished watching “The Greatest Beer Run Ever”. A lot of the ghosts of my dead friends just dropped by.
sigh….sizzling indeed…and then to find the ghosts of youth. Ah yes….passion under the streetlight or moonlight in our youth. How different from calm passion in our later years.
The steam cools — thank heavens, otherwise the boiler would blow Lil… 😉
Like those ghosts Rob, may they keep on tracking…JIM
They do Jim. I just got finished watching “The Greatest Beer Run Ever”. A lot of the ghosts of my dead friends just dropped by.
A wonderful walk down memory lane
Thank you Bjorn… 🙂
I absolutely love how the ghosts came to play in your poem. Topping it off with some Neil Young sealed the deal.
Thank you Mish. I just got finished watching “The Greatest Beer Run Ever”, a lot of the ghosts of my dead friends just dropped by.
Sensuous memories…
Tryin’ to hang on to the flame Kerfe… 🙂
Lovely and great to hear Neil Young again made me want to ‘dream this night away’ thanks 🙂
Thank you AJ…:)
Love “nubile midnight”! I am familiar with this particular form of tracking.
Oh, I hear you Sara… 🙂