Quiet Song


As soft I knelt, bright shone the sun
though winter held, warmth had begun
my frozen heart began to melt
this breaking dawn saw my tears run
a renewed love, is what I felt
bright shone the sun, as soft I knelt

a quiet song, my heart did sing
fresh trust unleashed a new wellspring
this truly was a brand new dawn
love felt again a precious thing
was then I knew love would go on
my heart did sing, a quiet song

rob kistner © 2022

More poetry at:dVerse

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40 thoughts on “Quiet Song”

  1. I can dig it, brother. Your sweet verses eradicate the sound of cannon from my skull. You aced the form too. Trump moons my latest poetic. Dozens of poems about him over 5 years+. Could do a book called NEVER TRUMP.

    1. Thank you Xan. I like writing both, dark is more meaty to write, more visceral — and I am by nature a positive pessimistic person — meaning I usually see the dark side to avoid danger, but will gladly bask in the light, should it shine! 🙂

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