Regal Rag Man

~ Magical memory of a naive 6-year-old small-town boy from 1952 ~

Original DDE™ surreal art: “Regal Rag Man” by: rob kistner © 11/28/24

Rags-ole-iron, he called out loudly
rags-ole-iron, his cart rolled our road
collecting scraps of post World War II
gathered in a this’n’that recycled load

he had a slow n’steady way about him
from where he came — I never knew
he always seemed quite magical to me
like some enchantment had come true

he was such a mystery to this young boy
tattered mad-hatted wizard from the past
I’d hear his call echo between the houses
I’d rush wonder-filled to watch him pass

his wheels rumbled quietly on the pavement
his piled bounty clicked n’clacked n’clattered
he came out of a dream then into a memory
somehow I felt his regal purpose mattered

time-to-time he still passes in that memory
rumbling down that misty street of long ago
where he came from and to where he went
truly a magical mystery I care never t’know

rob kistner © 11/28/24

Poetry at: dVerse


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