
Lillian at dVerse has asked that we write her some treats.




Autumn is ending soon. As we close this season, nature’s rest and replenishment here in the Pacific Northwest begins, the cycle of renewal. The summer’s dry period has long ended, and too, agricultural irrigation. Harvesting explodes in October and now will continue into November, including the grape harvest in our many vineyards.

The fruit and nut trees, the vines in the vineyards, and the crop fields, once harvested, will soon begin the slow period of winter revitalization, in anticipation of the growing seasons to come in the new year. Soon this will be a peaceful time of rest and restoration here in this breathtakingly beautiful region.

As this season turns, a regenerative calm lies upon this lush land, waiting for the time of sky-water to arrive, to quench nature’s thirst, and revivify her energies in this utopia. The Great Mandala of life turns steady.

stalks lie down in fields
arbors burst with ripened grape
fall is on the land

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2018


More waiting at dVerse:

Haibun Monday: Waiting

Write me some treats!

30 thoughts on “Renewal”

  1. I owe my awareness to Peter, Paul, and Mary’s 1967 song, “The Great Mandala”… I love the concept.

    “Take your place on The Great Mandala
    As it moves through your brief moment of time.
    Win or lose now you must choose now
    And if you lose you’ve only wasted your life.”

  2. Oh Rob….I am so glad you posted this one! It is indeed a treat to read….but “treat” is too flippant a word for it. I so enjoyed falling into your description here. “As this season turns, a regenerative calm lies upon this lush land” these words especially resonate with me.
    And the ending haiku is pure perfection.
    So very well done….I feel I want to pause, slowly have three or four more sips of my coffee….and bask in the calm and beauty of your words here before I move on with my reading.
    Just beautiful!

    1. Thank you Lillian! I am pleased this piece resonated for you. Writing about nature is by far my favorite writing. I love the natural world. And Fall into Winter, is by far my favorite period here in the Pacific Northwest, and one of the most powerful and beautiful periods. I find it glorious. The orchards and vineyards are bursting, the fish are lively, the people are springing into a briskness. It is life, bounty, beauty, replenishment of the land, and forests, and waterways. I love it Lillian! 🙂

  3. When I first visited Oregon after my daughter moved there, I considered it an Eden. I so stated to the travel agent as I was leaving (in late October). He said “Yes, but now it rains from November to March!” You’ve captured that time of rejuvenation and given it purpose. Well said, my friend!

    1. Thank you Beverly. Once you have lived here, and learned the rhythm of the vast wilderness, the mountains, the wine country, the ocean, the hundreds of waterfalls, the fishing, the hiking, the people — you discover that the replenishment months of November to March encompass their own amazing beauty and vitality. It is in fact these momths that make this an Eden — and not a desert, or s snow covered freezing landscape of leafless grey trees. It is a wonderful period each year here. But like the saying goes, “guess you’d have to be here.” 🙂

  4. This is truly beautiful Rob … gives me an insight into why some prefer four seasons … an enforced ‘rest’ period before the planting begins again! A time where nature and people can hibernate 🙂

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