Sailin’ To Dreamland

This is a song…

Original DDE™ surrealistic art entitled “Ship Of Dreams” by: rob kistner © 8/7/24

Let your dreams take you higher
close your eyes and sail away
to worlds of pleasures you desire
lands where wishes do hold sway

to magical mystical ports of call
here you are not merely mortal
this world beyond the wonderwall
sailing on through mystery’s portal

in a ship of psychedelic colors
fiery colors to ignite the night sky
sky full of crystal glittering stars
stars to light our path golden

trav’ling in fantasy’s odyssey
beyond anything you can imagine
a sublimely rich spellbound journey
to places you have never been

you’ll see visions so enchanted
a world your mind can but beget
wonder will be by awe supplanted
what you see you’ll never forget

your joy unbounded will ascend
beyond your wildest imagination
all disbelief you will suspend
as you soar in sweet hallucination

it’s most important you fully comprehend
you’ll have changed once you transcend
you needn’t worry on the past again
as you were quite a different person then

rob kistner © 2024
Poetry at: dVerse


8 thoughts on “Sailin’ To Dreamland”

  1. Rob, you never disappoint. Thank you for writing a poetic song. I just want to jump inside the dream and sail to different worlds of wonder.
    Your artwork a perfect representation of your words. Sail on my friend…in dreams we do feel as if we are more than mortal.

    trav’ling in fantasy’s odyssey
    beyond anything you can imagine
    a rich sublimely spellbound journey
    to places you have never been

    Do you still sing? I love your dreamy song…

    1. Thank you True. This was a ‘wonder’ful prompt my friend. Such a pleasure to write this poem in response. I went through several iterations of my “Ship of Dreams” image until I realized the proper descriptor chain to bring the URL of my initial digital render fully to life. It was fun creating it. I still sing snippets of songs for myself, but at 77 I have lost my falsetto range, and my breath volume — and some days are better than others. I could never perform again, my body would never accommodate it. But I still love to sing, so as long as I have the moments when I can, even in the modest compromised form I can muster still at times — I do, quietly for myself. 🙂

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