I was inspired to write this by one of my favorite of Robert Fripp’s King Crimson “Pojekts”. I then decided to extract sections from 3 different poems I have written over the past years, beginning with my poem “Awe” from 2007. I then edited and revised these borrowed sections, melding them together with wholly new poetic bridges. This is my vision of where the world may be heading, if we don’t pull our heads out into the light — and pretty damned wuickly.
N.B. — Be warned, this is a dark vision, full of reflections on how beautiful this earth is — and lamenting how it should always have remained such.

I remember
I remember when it happened
remember well
the all-defining fire mark in time
that forever divided then
from now
the moment of the horrific pronouncement
when all the world’s atmospheric agencies
and all the world’s environmental agencies
and the world governments
unequivocally agreed
…the earth has passed the tipping point
soon this planet
will no longer support human life
no more monies will be spent
in this undeniably failing effort
to keep earth habitable
for our human species
now all funds will go
towards a massive plan to escape
in order that our species might survive…
fuuuck! we are such stupid assholes!
we finally did it!
you know — with our human track record
no plan is going to help us survive — ourselves
feels like a damned expensive, fruitless waste
couldn’t shake those angry thoughts back then
when first I heard the disheartening news
truth be told
I was very angry — but not totally shocked
and I am still not certain we understand
what it will take to ever survive
perhaps our journey from the atomic age
through the nuclear age
into our current digital age
has sent our human species
irretrievably off the rails
but nothing I can do about it
I now just spend my time alone
walking up along this forested valley
that is our southern property line
my eyes drifting up the crystal waters
of the clear mountain stream
that rolls towards me
crisp and pure
I then cast my eyes upwards
to the very tops
of the powerful Douglas Firs
and the elegant Western Cedar
as I pass slowly by
they stand proud
at the river’s edge
sentries for centuries
protecting this boundary of our lands
steady and enduring
yet always supple in the winds
that waft and quicken
whispering the breath of life
into this pristine realm
as I walk
my tears glisten
we are such damned fools
we have finally done it
two years on now
since that ominous
worldwide news conference
but I never can forget
the chill in my bones
that penetrating feeling
in those mind-numbing moments
when I realized
it’s over
global panic has since ensued
cities worldwide are collapsing
humans gone insane
ugliness I do not wish to witness
so I remain isolated
isolated with my memories
random memories
like the beauty of an opening rose
or the wonder of an unfurling frond
or the tart-sweet scent
of mighty conifer giants
thrusting ever skyward
or the magic
of a budding branch
of how my spirit
is soothed by wind and water
thrilled by the song of birds
or the swoop of hawks
of how my fascination
is stirred by the yelp
or bark
or bleat
of beasts
or how my soul stirs
at seeing a salmon’s trek
here in this stream
or gazing into the open sky
watching the roll of unobstructed clouds
thrilling at the fall of stars
or hearing the crack of thunder
resound for miles across our valley
then off the mountain’s face
or how I love the embrace of rain
the crisp and quiet drift of snow
the hues and sway of living fields
or love watching our orchard
blossom and bloom to fruit
gazing upon these forests
thick beyond horizons
or feeling the lift of cresting surf
now I amble alone
alone with my precious memories
of these natural wonders
that inspire
that lift my soul
that resonate my heart
that could have continued
should have continued
damnit to hell…
this was an eden
but we proved a stubborn
stupid species
we would not listen
and now
now paradise is dying
at our careless hands
and now I am alone
too long alond
too long since I have shared
this beautiful mountain stream
with another’s eyes
or found my voice
to exclaim its wonders
yet still
I ramble this valley
wade this stream
given to jabbering quietly
to no one in particular
at the ragged edge of coherence
hoping for a response
a response assuring me
that this is just a nightmare
but only comes the murmur
of this constant stream
I have held my mind
in good humor
but not all have
reports of continuing suicides
humans unhinged
but I remain
tethered to the waning hope
that this can’t possibly
all be coming to an end
a hope
buoyed by the majesty of these forests
that climb their way skyward
with the patience
with the persistence
of the ages
but each day
the horrifying realization
muddles my mind
suffocates my soul
we {{{ have }}} destroyed it all
the world burns more and more
year after year
with more intensity each year
we need a miracle
but sadly
there is a scarcity of miracles
I will again
sit alone
in my room
in the soft light of the fire
I’ll cry
and wonder — why
we had all the warnings
more than enough
and we had the time
but we were
this beautiful
magical world
this amazing paradise
would have been much
much better off
without us
rob kistner © 2021
Poetry Inspired by Ecological Change: Earthweal
Rob, it could not be said any better, and I resonate with every word. I think that is what I find most heartbreaking of all – seeing the collapse taking place, knowing what I know, yet, daily, walking through the most beautiful landscape on the planet – still looking so serene, so eternal. Nature is where I take comfort and find strength. It tries so hard to live. A wonderful poem. I am so grateful you took the time to put it together so seamlessly and beautifully.
Thank you Sherry. I pray this scenario does not ever come true to this degree, because that character will maybe be my son, but more likely, my grandson. This world has got to take the significant steps necessary to find the balance, after cleaning up our mess, and our habits. Maybe COVID, being far more lethal to the older of us, is natures way of clearing a path for better, younger ideas.
;-( I feel like we are currently in the Sewer Age. It’s so hard to feel positive. So hard to hold onto hope. So hard to believe the world’s leaders will ever act enough. It’s really hit me recently that the few govern the many and how much responsibility those few have and how very poorly they have used it. I feel so angry at the affects of capitalism and greed and pure, unashamed lying.
As I wrote in my piece, we have moved into the deep phases of the digital age, putting instant communication in the hands of a species (us) who are not emotionally and morally advanced enough to even begin to handle it. Just a handle full of people can now manipulate on a global scale — instantly. Lie, mislead, and direct the now interconnected digital hive to exert incredible influence, good and bad, on vast numbers of people — who really have no truly effective way to fact check what is being fed to them. I invite you to read my piece entitled “But Wait” to understand in a little more depth, my observations regarding our Digital/AI Age. It came upon us too damned fast. Like the character Ian Malcolm alluded to in Jurassic Park — we have become far more fascinated with whether or not we “can” do something, anything… without taking the time to examine whether we “should”. It is a case of science running too far ahead of society. We, the human species, have all sorts of well considered, though not perfect safeguards regarding elements of our world that pose significant danger to our society, such as pharmaceuticals and nuclear power. It is time we tighten regulations regarding our environment, and develop regulations focused at both macro and nano digital development, to include AI. Unfortunately that may never happen in time, if ever, to prevent the human species from obliterating itself. We simply do not have the herd intelligence required to effectively protect ourselves from ourselves. And we certainly do not understand how to live in balance with each other, or with nature. We are simply children playing with fire — and we are beginning to burn.
Packing a powerful punch with your multi-layered offering. I think the age of computers and social media were game changers for better and worse. sigh..fire is a dangerous element to play with it spreads quickly.
You know True, the hardware nor soft ware is the problem. It is the human element. Not developed enough to deal with the digital era we are in. Said it before. We are immature children playing with dangerous elements way beyond knowing how to be reasonable in there use, be balanced in the use. Children playing with fire!
This is a great poem Rob – the idea of the lone poet at the end of the world seeking solace in what remains of nature. I really hope we haven’t already reached that tipping point. What strikes me is how quickly the situation is worsening. My second son is about to turn four – when I had him, I still thought there was a chance of us as a species having a future. Now, sadly, I am not so sure.
It’s a hybrid revised of sections of three of my favorite poems I have written. Those three section were given a significant up write — then I pulled it all together with several newly written poetic bridges. At this point it is close to 50-60 % upgraded from the original. I like the piece a great deal. I am proud of the work I did.. I have been in the mood to write long form poetry these days, a bit dark, a bit angry —- but with hope knitting it together. Glad you liked this my friend!! 😉