Sea of Love

Original DDE™ surrealistic art entitled “Sea of Love” by: rob kistner © 9/10/24

Sing to me my sweet sweet lover
songs as soft as silk and satin
sensual as a bare embrace
warm summer sun upon our face

promise me the world is ours
that this perfect moment’s endless
lift me up on rapture’s cloud
my racing heart is pounding loud

set sail our souls on pleasure’s sea
fill our hearts with passion’s fire
smother me in scorched sweet kisses
oh what a fiery bliss this is

come to me and take me timeless
sweep me off ‘cross ecstasy’s ocean
enfold me in your deepest dreams
to simmer under summer moonbeams

we seek night’s soothing shade
aflame in love’s sensual serenade
under a moonlit sky of stars above
we’ll sail forever on the sea of love

rob kistner © 2024

More poetry at: dVerse


22 thoughts on “Sea of Love”

  1. LOVE everything about this, Rob! The illustration, your words, the images you create with your words, the attached videos. Ah yes….romance….swept away forever on the sea of love! 🙂

  2. I heard this poem as a song, Rob, full of romance and adventure, especially in the lines:
    ‘set sail our souls on pleasure’s sea
    fill our hearts with passion’s fire’
    ‘come to me and take me timeless
    sweep me off ‘cross ecstasy’s ocean’.

  3. In 1959 the year I graduated high school, Sea of Love was topping the charts and honestly I do not remember the artist. Just how much I loved that song!!! Robert Plant is ok too. LOL. The the sensuous journey here … love it.

  4. I agree with Kim, there is much about this that is song-like – a distinction I have yet to understand although I would love to since I love music. Great direction to take the prompt, Rob…

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