Yo — I’m d’cat
lost m’damned hat
I’m snocker’d n’sleepy
n’ I’m worn flat
juked myself bleary
jived myself crazy
I’m wasted n’weary
n’way beyond hazy
just gonna sit here
restin’ m’head
when the room has stopped spinin’
it’s home — and t’bed
I’m pissed n’frustrated
don’t bother me — pleeez
lost m’damned hat
now can’t find m’keys
m’head aches so shu’dup
I mean it — not a peep
really not in d’mood
crap – I’m fallin’ asleep
can’t keep m’eyes open
ain’t drinkin’ n’more
lost m’hat and m’keys
now can’t find d’damned door
m’takin’ a cat nap
m’so totally done for
g’night — gonna curl up
right here on d’dance floor
rob kistner © 2021
Poetry at: The Sunday Muse
Creative writing at: Poets & Storytellers
Yes, yes, yes! You had me tapping away to the beat and laughing. Well written! 🙂
Thank you so much Helene! 🙂
If you’re going to be a drunk, a gentle sleepy drunk is the best kind to be. I love how you spun the image, Rob!
Thanks Lisa, it was fun! 🙂
Hahahahha…this was such a fun to read. Nicely done, Rob 🙂
Thank you Sunita… 🙂
You have outdone yourself here Rob!! This is absolutely wonderful! Made me smile ear to ear!!
Thank you Carrie, glad it put a smile on your face — it was such fun to write… 🙂
Ah, the story of my 20’s! I feel kitty’s pain. Very cute, funny write, Rob.
Thanks Shay. I had been writing dark and heavy recently, needed to bring my head up into a bit of light… 🙂
Best get your bloody arse onto the couch now or you will be hanging there on the table edge all night long.
I’m curlin’ up on the floor, already fell off the couch Jim… ????
Better than driving home, that’s for sure!
An infectious piece in all sorts of ways.
Thank you Rosemary… 🙂
Oh! kitty, kitty
be happy!
Kitty kitty been having a ball! 🙂
Love the cattitude!
He is a cat cool dude! 🙂
Yo poem had me chuckling! Thank you for the music, too. 🙂
I am glad, and you’re welcome Khaya! 🙂
A fun read your poem today. Of the music you offered i luv the Cat is High
Happy Sunday
Much love…
I’m glad you liked this Gillena… 🙂
You be one cool cat awright, RK. Thanks!
I dig it Ron… 🙂
Made me laugh. Kitty needs the 12-step instead of the two-step, it seems. I’d call this a flight of fancy grounded in reality.
Kitty rehab! 🙂
haha, poor cat!
loved the jaunty and bouncy feel of the poem. 🙂
Thank you D! 🙂
Our cats, could be best friends!!
Mischievous kitties! 🙂
Rob- this is so delightful!
Thank you Linda! 🙂
Well, I feel for the cat, but I’m still laughing at the poem!
Thank you Teach! 🙂
This left me with the biggest grin–poor cat! Sometimes you just have to wait over the overspinning. 🙂
Glad you enjoyed this Chrissa… 🙂
Cats gonna do what a Cat wants to do… I enjoyed this.
Ain’t it the truth Margaret… 🙂
well done rob, really like the vernacular in this poem, really matched the facial expression on the cat, ebjoyed very much
Thank you Phillip, very much!
I love it when you do voices. 🙂
The last line is my fave.
They’re in my head quite often… 😉
Oh, I’ve been that kitty a time or two. Love where the image took you. I’m humming and dancing in my chair.
Glad this moved you Susie. Kitty quite a dancer too, when he’s not snockered… 🙂