




are you traveling with me to the coast
if so, we will be leaving at first light
the need to be on time is uppermost
I want to be there, settled in tonight

the party promises to be a blast
cool people, drinks, and food of ev’ry kind
these soirees have been epic in the past
if we are late, we will be left behind

tomorrow it is breakfast on the beach
it’s there we meet our hostess for the week
she’ll have the masks she’s chosen, one for each
remember, after that we do not speak

then to the yacht, where wondrous games are played
magic – this high seas silent masquerade

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2020

  • Click below for more poems at dVerse…

    Open Link Night #274 – Live Again!

  • 24 thoughts on “Silence!”

      1. Thank you Sanaa! I believe poetry is wonderful to read, but if you want to glean more precisely what the poet’s vision was in writing the poem, you must hear it read by the author. I hope these live A/V chats continue.

    1. I would say “Sonneterrific”, Rob, but that would only diminish.
      I especially drooled over the closing couplet.

      I dug the Live thing, too.

    2. It was so good to see and hear you today, Rob. I can tell you’ve had a lot of practice reading your poems. You picked a good one to revise from before to suit Covid-19 Days and present. Good to hear more about your serenity totems today also.

      1. The A/V event today was wonderful Lisa! I hope they keep it going as Bjorn said. It really makes the community come alive. Years ago i published a blog that featured spoken word versions of my poems, but I changed my theme and never restored the recording capability. Back then I had 4 poetry blogs and I hosted a prompt site entitled “Writers Island”. Through the years of my failing health I let it all slide away. I even stopped writing for a bit over a year, after my heart failure that lead to my pacemaker. But I am glad I am writing again, and still able to create my mixed media art.

    3. I really enjoyed hearing you read this sonnet, and reading it back today. It sounds like an exciting event, and it’s a beautifully written piece, thank you for sharing!

      1. Thank you Ingrid, I am pleased you enjoyed the sonnet and my reading it. 🙂 …it is a mildly revised version of one of my older poems. I hope these “live” OMN’s continue — they’re great fun!

    4. What a pleasure to see and hear you read this sonnet last night, Rob! You brought out your inner Bard and brought him up to date from ‘masques’ to ‘masks’! A fun contemporary sonnet.

      1. Thank you Kim. I was so grateful that Bjorn texted me to join just as it was starting up yesterday. It was my first. I hope these “live” events continue. This sonnet of mine, “Silence!”, is a mildly edited rewrite of one I wrote a while back. All this hullabaloo over Covid-19 masks sent me in the direction of something about masks. I occasionally write to one poetic form or another. But, I believe you know, I am free-verse at heart! 😉

      1. Yes, you must join us next time. This was my first, and I almost missed it, but Bjorn asked me to join in just as this session was starting, So glad I did! I was envisioning Kubrick’s “Eyes Wide Open” as I wrote the original “Silence!” several years ago. The original was entitled “Shhhh!”. This was an updated very mildly edited rewrite. It was fun to read.

    5. Love the reworking of the poem to suit the times and these times are something we couldn’t make up. Interesting about remaining silent after masking up. If I had not recently resigned from my job as an early childhood educator, I would be double masked right now with surgical mask and clear shield. Also, not allowed to sing the children indoors. It was great to see you and hear you read this at Open Mic. Loved the serenity totems as well.

      1. Thank you Mish, I like to create with both words znd my hands — keeps me sand. I really hope dVerse (Bjorn) keeps the “live” OPN’s going. Great fun way to get a deeper appreciation snd awareness of our poetry community. Up until my health began to fail and my heart failure and pacemaker, I create anc post on my blog, a recording of me reading each of my poems. I also used to host two different poetry prompt sites: Writers Island and Matinee Muse. Before Brian Miller started up dVerse with Claudia, he used to come to my Writer’s Island site to write and post to my bi-weekly prompts. But my failing health lead to heart failure znd a pacemaker being implanted. I was unsnle to keep the high level of activity, and I shut everything down. Depression even stopped writing for a long stretch. I am thrilled to be writing again, and being part of d’Verse and The Sunday Muse.

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