R elentless din of crawling prowling night
pours steaming through my window
midnight intrudes damp and searing
scalded air too hot and thick to breathe
the full moon — sweats
a heat to suffocate
blades beat and drone overhead
promising relief
in vain
sweltered darkness lays heavy upon me
I toss in labored half-sleep
gasping for cool relief
I inhale deep to fill my lungs
seeking satisfying breath
only to bake them in cruel heat
no relief
salted droplets trace my spine
baste my neck
pool in the hollow of my fevered chest
bloom and seep
from beneath the smother
of matted soak atop my head
to weep their way ‘cross smoldering brow
into my eyes
and sting
in this nocturnal furnace
night clings and stifles
even dreams are scorched
simmering in August
rob kistner © 2022
Poetry’s sweltering at: dVerse
My goodness this is good! I especially resonate with; “the full moon — sweats a heat to suffocate blades beat and drone overhead promising relief in vain.” A gorgeous write, Rob!
Thank you so much Sanaa… 🙂
Rob, the sweltering heat of August so perfectly captured!
Thank you Punam… 🙂
I can feel that sweltering heat from here Rob. This month is just filled with stifling and simmering heat.
August can be a hot one… 🙂
i am sitting here on a cold august day in southern australia, but oh boy did you remind me of the heat of our terrible recent summers when we burnt and burnt day after day. great writing rob. for what it is worth you have my sympathy. sadly i think there is worse to come.
Here in the Pacific Northwest of the US summer is usually high 70s sometimes 80s Sean, but even we have been seeing 90s and times in recent years. I am inclined to believe that climate change is a genuine concern. If we have any way of diverting it, I’m really not sure. I hope so my friend.