
“I walk not in sunlight, but roam the dead of night”

Original DDE™ surrealistic art entitled “The Slayer Cometh” by: rob kistner © 9/16/24


Slowing my heartbeat
steadying my breath
I turn the key

the lock clicks
the door unseats

fate’s dealt this hand

I’m both prisoner
and executioner
in this deadly game

silver blade poised
swinging the lair’s door open
I enter


tonight you die…

rob kistner © 2024

More poetry at: dVerse


22 thoughts on “Slayer”

  1. You make this scene come alive with dramatic tension, Rob, and the first-person narrative makes it all the more heart-poundingly effective! Loved it, every finely described detail.

  2. I agree it is very dramatic, filled with tension. As a little girl I wanted to be a vampire slayer lol! Wonderful vampire slayer poem.

  3. Two for the price of one, Rob! I agree with Dora and Nicole about the first-person perspective. The short lines in the first one create tension, like we are creeping up in the vampire with the slayer.

  4. I’ve always admired those brave enough to enter the lair of the monster, determined to slay it. I’d like to see evil get slain with music that pierces and obliterates their dark hearts.

    1. Some Lisa, unfortunately, are too dark or cold for music to penetrate. Then a wooden stake or pure silver blade will pierce just fine. I keep one of each on hand my friend… 😉

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