Soul Full

“they are not like any trees we know, they are ambassadors from another time” John Steinbeck


Soul Full


I find peace in the ancient
old growth
my spirit embraces the magnificent
my heart slows its beating
my thoughts see the timeless truth
in this moment I celebrate life

~ ~ ~

Poetry is a statement of empowerment, that sets the soul free, to be exactly who you are — and in being just that, to introduce your truth to the world!

rob kistner © 2021


  • If you are drawn to the beauty of trees, I strongly suggest you view this amazing video. “Living Among Trees”: CLICK HERE *then click “watch episode” taking you to HBOmax link when you arrive.
  • To check out more poetry in The P&ST pantry: CLICK HERE
  • 26 thoughts on “Soul Full”

    1. Hey Rob… it’s been awhile. This is lovely. It took me right in the green forest. A wonderful place to be in the dead of winter!

      1. Thank you so much Ron… 🙂 After I’d finished the draft and then edited to this current version, the haiku-ness revealed itself to me. I am very fond of this form, new to me, similarly to my affection for haiku and tanka. The power of poetic jabs.

    2. Nice. I can see myself walking there, silently on the soft duff of the forest floor. At certain times, mostly warm summer, my backyard in a specific place reminds me of it, as I have some cedars. It smells like camping.

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