
An imagined scenario of a randy little laptop whose spellcheck’s gone berserk.



Spellcheck Gone Wild

stranding at liver revel
in this amassing george
glazing upon this malificent wonderful
cut by lime and curtains
into the great cock of the girth
I marbel at the powder
at the booty
at the degeneration
of this repentantless liver
scalping this malignent worm
tumblering tumescently
in cynical charity
over bowlers and faults
ever awkward

Spellcheck Gone Right

standing at river level
in this amazing gorge
gazing upon this magnificent waterfall
cut by time and current
into the great rock of the earth
I marvel at the power
at the beauty
at the determination
of the relentless river
sculpting this majestic work
tumbling timelessly
in crystal clarity
over boulders and falls
ever onward

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2019


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