Original DDE™ surreal art: “Little Bang” by: rob kistner © 12/9/24
Born to a pearl-grey morning
now nodding goodby
in golden twilight
that frantic
precious chaos
that was my life
this madman
ready to shatter
into a million shards
of shining light
shoot through the universe
n’reshuffle to pure energy…
…stardust again
rob kistner © 12/9/24
Poetry at: dVerse
lovely, Rob. feels uplifting in its acceptance.
Thank you Li(sa)… 🙂
Like Lisa, I find your quadrille uplifting in its acceptance. How wonderful to become stardust again! I love the whooshing sibilance in the lines:
‘… shatter
into a million shards
of shining light
shot through the universe’.
Thank you Kim. It is my vision of the end, the peace and beauty in the return home, from whence we came — pure energy… 🙂
Wonderful rob. I hope it’s like that! (Not in a rush to find out, tho)
I kinda think it is much like that. We are energy, and energt cannot br created nor destroyed — only transfered or changed. Firstlaw of thermodynamics. 🙂
Going out with a bang, eh! I like it, Rob.
The only way to go Punam…:)
Wonderful ????
Thank you so much Leslie… 🙂
the question marks are star emojis
ThAnk you again Leslie… 🙂
Wow, that’s powerful, Rob…i sense your inner energy! And the Bible says that believers will “shine like stars in the universe.” Peace to you.
Thank you Lynn… 🙂 wow — your relating that bible quote was awesome… 😉
Shine on you crazy diamond
by David Gilmour, Roger Waters, and Richard Wright may have grokked perfectly the essence of their special bandmate Syd Barrett. He was quite special… 🙂
I hope your description of this is true.
It is my truth, and an honest telling of it Sara… 🙂
If you haven’t done so, listen to the second song I posted below the piece. It is stimulating. 🙂
Sara — Reflect on the First Law of Thermodynamics: “energy can neither be created nor destroyed”, it can only change. …We are stardust, we are golden…