Stormy Eyes

collage entitled “Stormy Eyes” © 1998 — by: rob kistner


Stormy Eyes


a typhoon of lust — you were exciting
a wicked hurricane of love
your kisses hot as lightning
striking fiercely from above

like a tempest was your passion
I was swept up in its force
but lightning has stopped crashin’
this storm has run its course

my thoughts grow cloudy grey
my eyes are now steady rain
my heart shivers cold today
your bad weather has brought pain

the warm winds may return
as should the clear blue skies
but my frozen heart will yearn
for your wild and stormy eyes

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2019

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    Open Link Night #246


    Hi! I’m Edgrrr, rob’s shih tzu.

  • 18 thoughts on “Stormy Eyes”

      1. Love is certainly as unpredictable as the weather Kerfe. And like being prepared for changing weather conditions, from mild to wild, so too must you properly deal with changing marriage conditions – or the truly heavy weather will wipe you out!

    1. An unforgettable experience! I specially like:

      but my frozen heart will yearn
      for your wild and stormy eyes

      Take care and enjoy your summer!

      1. I agree with Grace, this is a wonderful conclusion and center to the poem. A nice antithesis between the frozen stasis of memory and the winds of the storm.

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