(- REDUX 2019 -)
no longer is
gray now shines
from a balding head
filled with scarlet embers
memories still burn
a fired spirit
too deep for coddled mortals
to fully fathom
red is real
red is legend
his tales of pain
of injustice
the lore of the big muddy
his eyes
earthy brown
turbulent as that river
his stare
a deep current
impossible to escape
you’re swept away
his voice
a tempered edge
honed by blues
broadleaf husky
thick as sorghum
smooth as beale street bourbon
the cf martin
swings from a leathered neck
on a tattered strap
stretched and shaped
by the heft of sorrow
poured into the soundhole
marked and scarred
by years of burden
of witness
its character and patina
bear testament
to a genuine soul
cracked and seasoned hands
reach with suffered care
to wrap the fingerboard
in love
callused digits
yellowed by habit
depress taut strands
no longer catgut
blood and bone
sculpting emotions
true life
ensnared in sitka spruce
and spiraled steel
knowing strains rise
chords of loss
rhythmic stomp
stinging verse
of broken promise
failed love
of dirt field
cruel street
back alley
of harsh wisdom
resonate to fill this space
to break my heart
to steal my soul
swept away
rendered by: rob kistner © 2007
yo… sweet! Your recorded reading kicked ass! Got a Martin, 38 years old. Still gig with it.
Gary –
Thank you!
I was online here when you posted. Do you have a blog or website? I would enjoyed visiting.
I really enjoyed the mood set by the opening verse.
That’s a really cool tribute to the blues. Very potent in his memories and sadness in his age and fire in his spirit. I liked it!
oh rob.. that was breathtaking… just breath taking… thank you ….
That was awesome! Thanks Rob!
Marcia –
I’m pleased you enjoyed this… 😉
Jennifer –
Thank you for the very kind words… 😉
I was projecting just a touch of myself into the character — creatively interpolating, as seemed appropriate, to ‘season’ Red’s personality in context.
Paisley –
Thank you! You are most gracious… 😉
Gautami –
Thank you my friend!
…and you are most welcome… 😉
Awesome poem! Very soulful, and befitting of the subject matter. It is good to be reminded the blues were born from genuine pain, sorrow and social injustice. The real deal bears no resemblance to The Blue Brothers, a beer commercial or some third rate cover band playing on Bourbon street. Thanks for a great post!
Herb –
Thank you for your gracious words my friend! 😉
…and you are welcome.
Yes, when I’m listening to a genuine blues master, telling of his/her life, the triumphs, the trials, the joy, the pain — it gives me goosebumps… because it’s REAL. It’s the shit and grit. It is the authentic story of true life in America, in this land of opportunity (but only for a handful). It ain’t some spoiled fool from the suburbs ‘feigning it’ for the money.
I just listened to your Swept Away poem…just beautiful! Music does bring such joy, doesn’t it? Thanks very much for visiting my blog.
FP –
I am pleased you enjoyed your listening experience, and thank you for your very kind words… 😉
Music is like a direct conduit between souls — emotion stirring… and a great source of goosebumps!
I enjoyed your blog. Very tasteful!
Gosh- what an awesome poem! A wonderful tribute! I’ll have to have my husband read this- he’s a great fan of the blues…
Kudos, Rob…
Regina –
Wow… Thank you very much… 😉
Your enthusiasm is humbling.
I hope you husband enjoys my piece as well…
Wow Rob! That was fantastic, I can feel the power and depth, and the recording gave it a beautiful touch. Nicely done!
Gilson –
Thank you for your kind enthusiasm! 😉
I enjoy doing the ‘spoken word’ readings.
Yes,some music makes me feel that way too…!
This is wonderful, and i love being able to listen to it. I love:
failed love
of dirt field
cruel street
back alley
Arboleda –
Thank you for visiting!
Tricia –
Thank you very much!
I am so pleased you enjoyed this… 😉
I’m sitting here in complete awe…….tears rolling down my face. That was so powerfully beautiful…….you captured his soul….you shared yours. I’m mind blown.
You gave me goosebumps, and am grateful.
gotta go find a kleenex now.
Awareness –
Thank you for your authentic human reaction… I am humbled, and most grateful that this piece impacted you!
These blues masters are piercingly real, and often remarkably gentle souls. They’ve usually lived life from the other side of our looking glass — and have the scars and tales to share, and to wring your heart… if you will listen.
That’s what I’m talking about. It’s the human spirit and the things we create that give me goose bumps and chills!
I read your poem before I listened to your reading and the depth and fullness of your voice, plus the bumpers of music enriched the poem. I’ll have to keep coming back to look for other recordings of you reading stuff. Your reading is precise and full. You sing the poem.
I think that’s why the blues AND your poem resonates with me. I work with human beings who live in the margins of our community. Their lives and scars are visibly real. Part of my job is to visit them in their homes where I am often honoured to hear their stories…sometimes I’m the first to hear it. I learn far more from them than I they do from me…..because the blues is their life and they live openly vulnerable.
It’s all in the listening.
beautiful Rob. Like you 🙂
Colleen –
Thank you for contributing… and I completely agree! 😉
Raymond Pert –
Thank you for your gracious words!
Please come and click on the Visceral Voice icon in the right sidebar of my blog. It will take you to all the “spoken word” recordings I currently have posted.
Thank you for catching my typo… 😉
Awareness –
Thank you for sharing this part of your experience. I’m certain it must be very moving!
Lucy –
Thank you!
I’m blushing… 😉
Very powerful. I’ve got chills.
I joined Sunday Scribblings for the first time this week, and mine is about music as well.
Robin –
Thank you, I’m pleased you were touched! 😉
Welcome to the SS group! Hope you become a regular…
Great poem. Love that it has a bluesy feel all the way through. And the audio just added another level to your work. Cool.
January –
Thank you! I’m pleased you enjoyed the poem… 😉
I tried to capture the bittersweet spirit of the blues, the spirit of Memphis, to honor the heart and soul… the gist of a blues master — without appearing pretentious, or having the piece become cartoonish, or a two-dimensional caricature.
I love creating the “spoken word†performances! It takes me back to years of being in bands — writing, recording, mixing… it is a source of great joy for me. I’m glad you liked the work!
Thank you for including a recorded “spoken word” of this wonderful poem. I enjoyed it well.
Rob that was beautiful – hearing it read made it even more special.
Liza –
I am very pleased you enjoyed it! 😉
Gill –
Thank you for your gracious words!
Glad you enjoyed the recorded reading — it is a great pleasure for me to create these.
Wow, the reading of your poem gave me goosebumps =) I think you captured the blues experience – for both performer and audience – really well.
I just rented “Black Snake Moan” with Sammuel L Jackson and you truly nailed the blues! Excellent poem and even better with the audio…wow!
Tinker –
Thank you very much! I appreciate your kind words… 😉
I love to do the readings!
Tammy –
Wow — that was an intense movie.
Glad you liked this my friend… 😉
The recordings are a blast to create!
Wonderful rendering of the poem … I love the linguistic nuances in the spoken version. ~Peace, JP
swept away… I was blown away
the words alone would have been enough
your voice added depth and resonance
quite wonderful
thank you for visiting me too
Deborah –
Thank you JP — very much… glad you enjoyed! 😉
Ann –
You are most kind, thank you!
You’re welcome… I enjoyed my visit… 😉
You do it from your soul everytime Rob – thank you for the goosebumps!
Redness –
You are kind… 😉 Thank you!