

As this year of 2021 closes, I would like to say thank you to all who visit my blog, I greatly appreciate you. And a very special thank you to all in this online writer’s community of dVerse. You are not only wonderful writers, you are also kind and generous of spirit. You’ve given this grumpy old man both joy and inspiration.

To those who found my writing enjoyable, I am pleased, that is my general intention. To those I have angered, my apologies, it was not my intention — usually. To those of you who may think I am crazy, you may well be correct, and I may in fact agree with you. To those I have made think, well, that was probably accidental. To those I have made laugh or cry, most likely also an accident. If I have made you feel, that was simply me returning the favor.

The happiest of holidays to everyone, and may the new year be a blessing for us all. I hope to be with all of you again in 2022.

My Blessings

pine boughs sparkling
yule log crackling
full hearts brimming
drawn close this night

on bright papers
gifts bestowed
one at a time

round and round
the kindred circle
unveiled affections

and cheerful laughter
precious times with family

Solstice Blessing

soon we cross the solstice night
the final dying of the light
as the old year quickly wanes
seasons will circle back again

light will overtake the dark
sun shifts the journey of its arc
each new day’s light longer burns
we’ll give thanks as light returns

life’s cycles will reprise
as a new year does arrise
may the power of light’s rebirth
bring you blessings of the earth

rob kistner © 2021

Poetry at: dVerse


I adore this song! If you’ve not heard it, then it’s my gift to you. Listen loud!

48 thoughts on “Thankful”

  1. A heartfelt prologue, and two Blessing poems–damn you’ve been busy. For once I took the shorter path, and accepted the parameters of the prompt. A slight change upon my verbosity and normal harangue. Sentimental, indeed, but in a good way. I’m a wussy who gets all weepy if I wade too far into the pool of sentimentality. Get Santa some cannibis cookies, and pull the diaper off 2022, brother!

    1. Thank you sir. I get weepy too Glenn, I just dry some, but not all of the tears brother. Don’t wanna come off too sentimental. Happiest of holidays to you and yours my friend! 🙂

  2. Very beautifully sentimental, Rob!

    “round and round
    the kindred circle
    unveiled affections”

    Exactly what I always think of the holidays as; that warmth being with loved ones, spending time together in finite life. It’s hard to acknowledge it, but it makes us cherish these moments more when they happen and to keep the ones that care for us and vice versa close–and even letting them know how much we care, since often many people don’t express it. Kindness goes a long way, especially in these times.

    I really loved this stanza too:

    “life’s cycles will reprise
    as a new year does arrise
    may the power of light’s rebirth
    bring you blessings of the earth”

    Just so beautiful and it tugs at the heart. Wishing you well, Rob, and I hope you have an amazing 2022!

  3. Thank you for your heartfelt thanks, and may you receive all that your heart desires. I enjoyed all your words above, but I must say, the “Solstice Blessing” was absolutely exquisite and really resonated with me.

  4. two delightful poems, such a blessing to read! And such a lovely song

    I couldn’t agree more about the d’Verse community, its a very warm and supportive lot!

    Enjoy your seasonal celebration, no matter what kind of cookie …

  5. Hi Rob

    I have enjoyed reading your poems and may you continue to write on. You have made me laugh and weep touching my soul through words.

    I love the solstice blessing, the moon is almost full and looks beautiful through my lens. I will play my drum Sunday an offering of love to the heavens.

    Shall I play for you
    Pa rum pum pum pum
    Pa rum pum pum
    Pum pum pum pum

    The world is facing challenges that require light and love to guide us in the New Year!

    Wishing you a joyous holiday filled with health and happiness.

  6. I like both of them… and winter solstice is hard here in Sweden with darkness coming already at 3 PM, we need that celebration to bring us light.

  7. Thank you for sharing your poems, and not just these. 🙂 I like how you wrote, “To those of you who may think I am crazy, you may well be correct, and I may in fact agree with you.” That very much resonates with me! XD

  8. Love both your poems Rob! You extend great words of wisdom spiced beautifully in creative fashion. Happy holidays and thank you so much for 2021 and looking forward to be in close touch again in the ensuing year.


  9. Happy holidays, Rob…that kindred circle especially resonates with me and sometimes a virtual circle, like this one of poets and poetry, works well too.

  10. Hi Rob,

    Thank you for sharing your poetry with us this year. You have your own poetic voice, you write about matters that moved or troubled you. I have always enjoyed reading your work, in that gentle (and sometimes not so gentle) voice in your words.
    May the new year be better, but still, like your title, we must be thankful for what it gave. What matters most is, to spend time with family.

    Looking forward to more of your poetry in the coming year.
    Wishing you, and your family, a Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year!

  11. I hope this Holiday Season is bright and warm and peaceful and healthy for you and yours, Rob.

    I really enjoyed the “Solstice Blessing”, every line of it! It left me smiling, and remembering the universe will always find a way to balance itself. And since we are made of universe stuff, so will we!

    1. Thank you Xan, it has been great comfort to be able to have an outlet for my thoughts and feelings. I believe this online community means a great deal to all of us involved, and may it continue to be so in 2022.

  12. Hi Rob, I enjoyed this rap up for the 2021. I hope your Christmas was Merry today and that you will have a Happy New Year.
    I’ll be seeing you on the other side of the calendar only I may slow down go get caught up on some prepartion for downsizing.
    Adios for 2021 unless I do Mondays Word List; I will be posting Fridays on my other blog, Jim’s Little Blog.

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