“Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and not clothed, those who are homeless snd are not sheltered” — Dwight D. Eisenhower

Photo by Gregory Colbert
Born in dead of winter
under a darkling moon
at the waning of hearts
a bewildered child
conceived in chaos
lacking heritage
in freefall of fear
searching for foothold
to climb from this fate
nomad of the streets
longing for clarity
for a sense of identity
hungry for love
to fill an empty soul
hungry for food
to fill an empty
aching belly
sorrow wells deep
hope endures
in an innocent heart
though enwrapped in sadness
the light of dreams
always holds flame
even if but a flicker
see this child
weighted with the burden
of cruel abandonment
heavy of heart
felled by hungers
see this child
this child
this day
dreams of flying
rob kistner © 2022
Poetry at: The Sunday Muse
You went to a place of darkness with this child who dreams of escape .. of flight. Who is deserving of something far better than the hand he was dealt.
Thank you Helen. Another that welled up from the, soul… 🙂
A heartbreaking scenario, Rob, cold abandonment of the innocent.
Happens everyday Marion — sadly… 🙂
Rob, this breaks my heart as I think of all the children roaming the streets throughout the world. Trying to find shelter in the arms of dreams, instead of the cruelty of the streets they call home. Deep and dark, may light find a way.
And these innocents are abandoned all over the world. It is heartbreaking and infuriating. I was abandoned in a less cruel way, given to an orphanage at birth. Anti abortion laws do not protect children. A child that is wanted by the parent, will not be aborted. A child, forced into the world, the result of self righteous anti abortion laws, gets thrown into the “great lottery“ of life, with no guarantee what their fate may be.
Hope has a certain strength. This is gorgeous Rob and the ending is glorious!
Thank you Carrie… 🙂
Thankfully the child is not giving in. A poignant poem indeed, Rob.
Thank you Keith… 🙂
We like to think there’s a safety net for every one in our world but especially for children. But there’s not. I like the way you end on a challenge to “see this child” with her dreams. Beautifully written, Rob.
Thank you Dora. Sadly true. 🙁