“Infinite Instance” by: rob kistner © 1997
Through The Veil
I am nearing the veil
soon to push through
to see that which
is not shown us here
on this side
of that gossamer curtain
unable as we are
in this manifestation
to comprehend
the incomprehensible
the infinite secret
the truth that bursts to light
but when I push through
I will ride that light
in all ways through time
simultaneously at once
at the eternal instant
the open door of forever
existance will be no more
I will be absolute
indivisible from time
absorbed by all of space
a joy so profound
as to be pure energy
I was given the gift
of the briefest glimpse
beyond the veil
I was not ready
I again near the veil
I am ready now
~ ~ ~
rob kistner © 2019
This is a contemplation on crossing over. On April 6th of 2017 my heart stopped while in the hospital, the night I was recovering from a heart operation. The memory of that lingers. It is the memory of that experience that has inspired this poem. To be sure, this is an idealized imagining of what crossing over may be like. However, it is informed by an amazing and singularly unique feeling of blissful well being that had filled me that night, and from which I was grudgingly roused by the act of being awakened, from what I thought then, was sleep. Very soon thereafter it was confirmed by my cardiologist not to have been sleep. He explained to me it was a state that could have remained quite permanent, and I was about to receive an urgent Pacemaker implant. That night still holds mysteries for me.