At tomorrow’s sunrise, I submit to the knife. My faith in the wielding hand has before been tested, and found reward, and the hand capable. But time’s a stream. With it the essence of everything flows in flux. I’m not who I was when last I acquiesced to the skill and demeanor of this healer. And this healer’s endured the impacts of time, to be here now, in this new place.
How’s this all to be held? Only fate ultimately determines what situation will bear presence in this new light of day. Am I wise casting my lot with this evolved reality? Has fate moved favorably through the portal of time? For how can I be sure I shall see again the world on the first of May, year next? I cannot, yet again I’ll close my eyes, to ride the great wheel.

rob kistner © 2022
Poetry at: dVerse
Oh gosh, Rob! Wishing you the very best. I hope all goes smoothly and you have an easy recovery. Sending hugs. ????
Thank you Merril! 🙂
I will be praying over you, friend. Find a focal point to hypnotize yourself into, and do your slow and controlled straw breathing. I look forward to an update.
Thank you Shawna. I trust I will be here to make an update
A great image and use of the prompt. Best wishes for easy ride.
Thank youSusan! 🙂
Hang on to faith and trust the knowledge of your healer. I will be thinking of you in the morning light.
Brightest blessings to you, my friend.
Positive energy for a full recovery
Thank you True! I believe things will workout as they should.
I hope your are doing well.
Peace and health my friend…
Thank you True. ???? Finally home from Hospital. Very tired. Might join OLN “live” today — don’t know?
A great story Rob. Praying you will have the best outcome possible.
I liked this line: Am I wise casting my lot with this evolved reality?
Dwight — bless you my friend! 🙂
Oh the poignancy of the line in light of your surgery tomorrow. Rob, I feel certain you’re going to pull through this. Your surgeon’s hand will be steady. Peace, my friend.
Thank you Lisa — you are a ffiend!
O Rob, we have been praying for you ever since I knew. If you told us what the procedure was to be I missed it. I know heart transplant, we pioneered that here in Houston. I’ll google for now.
These lines fit your situation so well, and you wrote it up so fine.
Getting ready to walk out the door for my operation. Multiple balloon angioplasty and placement of 2-3 stents in the heart — in an attempt to improve the blood flow, because my heart is down 35% in performance. Thims will tell them if it’s enough.
I’ll be watching for an update.
Those percentages sound so scary, but it’s amazing how well the heart can still sustain a body at even 20% function. I know the recovery will be rough, but hopefully you have gentle and loving caretakers to help you through.
We are all praying and sending you good energy, Rob. <3
Thank you Shawna. 🙂 Finally home from Hospital. Very tired. Might join OLN “live” today — don’t know?
I really hope all goes well… it is a big operation, and I look forward to a positive update.
Thank you Bjorn. ???? Finally home from Hospital. Very tired. Might join OLN “live” today — don’t know?
Sending best Rob.
Thank you Kerfe. 🙂 Finally home from Hospital. Very tired. Might join OLN “live” today — don’t know?