…here — the birth of magic…
When I seek the fantastic
only to wonderwall will I go
nothing here is impossible
disbelief’s forbidden though
everything here is so amazing
real mysteries here to know
your imagination is set a’flow
here — no unreasonable idea
dreams and wishes big and small
wonderwall will grant them all

rob kistner © 2021
Poetry at: dVerse
Sometimes it is wonderful to turn from the intellect — and just embrace the id!
Took you a while to take the bait, brother. Nice job though. Sci Fi/existential/kistner fantasy at its finest. You ain’t afraid of no prompt.
Thank you brother! I’d been to the doctor and my physical therapist, so I was feelin’ a bit ragged. Took me a while to zone in…
I enjoyed this, and the acrostic form was well done.
Thank you Jenna! 🙂
Thank you Lucy! 🙂
Wonder wall is wonderful, RK.
I almost passed on this one, too…
Oh well, I just looked at more as a contrived puzzle, and less like a preferred statement of poetry. Just some silly fun Ron… 😉
Aren’t you the clever one … off to wonderwall I fly.
Just fun Helen, not profound… 🙂
Thank heaven we don’t always have to be profound! It gets wearying!
It does tax one to always try to write with depth Bev. Sometimes it’s great fun to be whimsical! 🙂
And here I almost expected you to have the song by Oasis
Never heard that song Bjorn, I will chevk it out. They probably “borrowed” the title from the same place I did. I have been fascinated by the name “WONDERWALL” since the late 1960’s. In 1968 or 1969 I saw a film by that name, starring Jane Birkin.
I became madly head-over-heels “captivated” by Birkin (seen here) after I first saw her in a sizzling role in Michelangelo Antonioni’s strange little movie “Blowup”. That movie was all the rage when it came out in 1966, during my Sophomore year in college. Beatles George Harrison did the soundtrack for “Wonderwall”.

Well done with the message and form Rob! Good fun times.
Thank you Grace! 🙂
This is gorgeously, gorgeously rendered, Rob! I love it 😀
Thank you Sanaa.