The blue is gracefully beautiful
quite stately and well grounded
winds that daily gust and blow
seldom shake this mighty spruce
from its firm grasp of the matter
being strong and broadly rooted
oh to be as nimble and steadfast
when buffeted with challenges
rob kistner © 2021
Poetry at: dVerse
* Hope you enjoyed the poem, but as an added arboreal fact — the Douglas Fir has the deeper roots.
Blue Spruce are wonderful trees. I think as we good older our roots that hold us up get shallower! Great poem Rob.
Thank you Dwight… 🙂
Ah, for the grace and courage of the spruce! Nicely done, Rob!
Thank you Ingrid! 🙂
you have captured our love of trees – some of that is sheer admiration
“winds that daily gust and blow” – perfectly sums up the vicissitudes of life
I love the glow of a big blue in moonlight Jane. I love trees, all trees —- gimme a forest full!
A very tangible and compelling image!
Very concrete, while still graceful and flexible… 🙂
What a beauty! And an inspiration as well.
Thank you Kerfe! 🙂 I love conifers, and a big blue in bright moonlight is surreal. They glow.
I love the idea of a tree having a “firm grasp of the matter”! Yes, we should all have that!
The “matter” being the soil of the earth Xan. The blue spruce is one of the broadest rooted of all the conifers.
“Would that I were” ~~ an oft used phrase that carries concrete emotion ~~ well done, Sir.
Thank you Helen! 🙂
Rings upon rings upon rings…
Wonderful analogy, RK.
Thank you Ron, and it points to the stars — how optimistic! 🙂
“Storms make the oak grow deeper roots.”
A blue spruce is very broadly rooted David, and quite stable among the conifers — and its shape makes it flexible in the wind.
What a wonderful tree… and soon it might carry the weight of Christmas I think
A young one yes, but they grow to over 50’ tall, so you would need high ceilings Bjorn… 🙂
All concrete, no emotions. I love the smell of spruce. At American Lake VA, when I worked there, its campus is covered in tall Douglas Fir. They must be shallow-rooted, because in wind storms they topple easily.
In fact, I discovered my memory is shot. Despite what I thought I remembered, the fact is the spruce is shallow rooted, although their feeder root runs deep. I remember the Douglas has an overall deeper root system, just thought I recalled the spruce ran deeper. Oh well, guess I lose my arboreal merit badge.
I’ve never seen a blue spruce, it looks surreal … a bit like out artificial Christmas trees. Nice song, lovely poem
Many artificials are fashioned after the blue spruce, a very surreal tree. They grow to over 50 feet tall in the wild Kate. Harty in the USA and Scandinavian countries, especially in the Colorado Rockies and Norway.
Gorgeous, gorgeous write, Rob! Yes, if only we could be as steadfast when it comes to facing life’s challenges. Sigh.
Thank you Sanaa! 🙂
Absolutely, lovely….
Thank you True… 🙂