AUTHOR’S NOTE: I had this incomplete 3-year-old draft of my poem “True Work” (loosely inspired by Gary Snyder’s “Real Work”). I had wanted, for some time, to edit it into a piece, with which I would be more satisfied. The above listed prompt inspired me to create a suite of poetry, threaded together by the phrase: true work. My focus for this suite being humanity, which was the crux of the “True Work” draft I already had. The digital rendering I created of the hand holding the world helped me finish my vision of this poetry suite.

I bend my back and squat
then straighten at the waist
hunkered ‘neath the weight
I lift clean the load
the warehouseman’s refrain
always on my mind
“back straight
lift with the legs”
the first test – no result
I try a second
then a third
on and on
day after day
long hours in the lab
the formula must be perfect
only perfect will save lives
drywall must be flush
and plumb
also square and seamless
I set each sheet
with the level and the bob
then pause
to wipe my sweating brow
I curse the clay
do battle with fatigue
I coax my muse
to commit to form
the first draft of my vision
to then modify
and remold
until the ultimate creation
these are elements of the work I do
or did
or may yet do
and I am you
and you are me
and we are all together
in this endeavor of our daily life
but this is not our true work
to bend to lift someone in need
to help carry their burden
until they again stand steady
to seek the components of peace
to formulate the dialog
that fosters understanding
to measure well tolerance
to stand squarely flush
with truth and level justice
to visualize universal love
to create the enduring model
for a free and vital world
this — is our true work
so little done
so much to do
* * *
If Only
stressed beyond limits
earth’s fragile balance falters
but this can be changed
her future is in our hands
if only we do true work
* * *
abstain from false pride
prayer does not a halo make
that requires true work
rob kistner © 2010
* photorendering above entitled “In Our Hands”
by: rob kistner © 2010
Measure twice, cut once – this is a job we don’t want… can’t afford… to get wrong…
We may only get “one cut” Stan…
‘to create the enduring model
for a free and vital world’
Wonderful aspiration.
Well, one can dream Tilly, one can dream…
Beautiful words streaming from your six word memoir. The was a fantastic six words well spent.
Thank you very much ElizaBeth… 😉
I’m glad I didn’t read this before writing my own contribution – I’d never have started,!
Lovely ideas, and some good practical tips as well.
You do fine work Viv, and bravo that you’re DOING it, and not just thinking about it, or wishing you were — you are expressing yourself… you go girl… 😉
Thank you for your always kind words…
Rob a wonderful read with some very beautiful ideas!
Thank you Pamela…
beautifully integrated. (I just took my double handful of sixes and threw them on the page)
Thank you Barbara…
I had this incomplete 3-year-old draft of my poem “True Work” (loosely inspired by Gary Snyder’s “Real Work”) that I had wanted, for some time, to edit into a piece with which I would be more satisfied. When I started reading all the prompt sites this week, I began to see a serendipitous relationship among the current prompts, and my “True Work” piece.
This inspired me to create a ‘suite’ of poetry, threaded together by the ‘true work’ phrase, with the focus being the ‘world’ and its inhabitants — which was the crux of the “True Work” draft I already had. The digital rendering I created of the hand holding the world helped me finish my vision of the poetry suite.
I am pleased you liked the integration. It came together in a sort of organic, real-time fashion. I am satisfied with it at this point, but I never remain satisfied with my work — so who knows if it might morph and evolve. I love doing that… 😉
Absolutely wonderful and beautifully written.
You are so gracious Deborah, thank you…
What a rich life of true works you have. You are truly a master of multimedia creativity–I enjoyed looking at your artwork and collages as well. You must have endless energy! Bravo.
Thank you Peggy, you are most kind — I am pleased you enjoyed your visit here, please return at your convenience… 😉
Beautifully done, great concept and well delivered.
Thanks Jay, your gracious words are appreciated…
A beautiful image beautifully spoken in the 6 words preceding it; I especially liked the “If Only†poem as well.
Thank you GW, I am pleased you enjoyed this work…
Rob, I really liked all of your True Work pieces. They messages are so strong. I have read them over twice now, and each time I get something more from them. I don’t know where to start on commenting. Usually I try to focus on one thing I really like, but in this case there are so many things. I will randomly choose ‘carrying someone else’s burden.’ This definitely is true work. Agreed. If we make life just a little bit lighter for someone each day, it will have the ripple effect, I believe..and the person may pass it on. At least that is my hope.
Wow Mary, you are so gracious, thank you — humankind will, in my hopes, someday rise to an enlightened state…
A great peice of work that you should be proud of. Great use of all the prompts and I love it when it works out that you have an old unfinished piece that works perfectly with what you are working with. Well done!
The World of Lost Souls
I am most appreciative of your kind words Coraline, and I was very pleased that the fates and my muse aligned so well on this…
I don’t know how you do it, Rob. Your work’s always a grabber. well done.
Thank you Ron, as well you know, sometimes the muse is kind — other times, well…
So much work to be done as a group yet we focus on our own daily round. Wonderful Rob.
My COT’s here.
Thank you KB…
Beautiful writing! Great use of the prompts and I love the message.
Thank you Bobbie…
And iin your own way you are doing your bit Rob..and inspiring others too.. well expressed. lovely thoughts..
Thank you Ramesh…
The world is free
it is we who are bound..
reaching out
In essence what you say is true Gautami, except humankind has become such a blight on the earth, such a cancer to her host, that she is no longer “free” of us — we are killing her…
Hi Rob,
‘Endeavour’ says it all!
Thank you Derrick, I am pleased this piece resonated with you…
beautiful, meditative, inspiring.
Thanks, appreciated, gratitude Nan…
I love this bit:
drywall must be flush
and plumb
also square and seamless
Also, a lovely turn in this poem to the “lifting” of those in need.
You are most kind Twitches, pleased you liked this piece…
well written as usual rob…with great ides…thanks for sharing….Im in my canoe heading for the island…
Thank you Wayne, and I’ll meet you on the beach with a nice cold drink… 😉
ah.. yes.. that is our true work for sure.. a lovely poem.. and perhaps, we should get started on the “lot left” part soon..! 🙂
Thank you Leo, and we should all lend a hand — because the true work is never done…
Your free verse is awesome I enjoyed reading it but the last Haiku is my favorite “prayer does not a halo make” no truer words spoken too bad more people don’t know this.
Thank you Amanda, for your kind words and for visiting Image & Verse…
Interesting=3~ I love your words^.^
Thank you Riika…
Very wise yes we should visualise universal love that is our true work Fantastic poem
Thank you Marja, you are kind…
True work. Inspiring. When I read this…
I curse the clay
do battle with fatigue
I coax my muse
to commit to form
the first draft of my vision
to then modify
and remold
until the ultimate creation
I immediately thought of an editing project I’ve been putting off. I’m not a fan of editing…
Wonderful poem. True Work!
I am very good at “putting off” as well BJ 😉 — thank you for the kind words…
Your first piece really spoke to me in so many ways…the ending is something that whirs around in my mind as a constant mantra….
I’m pleased the piece reached you Cynthia…
Finely crafted true work. I love the theme and the style you used to weave it all together. Well done. 🙂
Thank you Nara, you are most gracious…
Absolute delight to read and thought provoking too. A symphony of sorts with words….it touches soul!
I appreciate the kind words Swapna…
In terms of birds and stones, well done with getting everything to harmonize in here; that is true work indeed! These three have a neat progression to them: the descriptive and narrative, then the thoughtful, then the Zen. But there’s a connective tissue between them that’s neat to see… very cool!
Thank you Joseph, your comments are gracious and appreciated! I am pleased that this suite held together for you, it seemed to organize and present itself in my subconscious, the progression beginning to take form a bit before I fully realized it, I then grabbed the thread downstream and ran with it — it was an interesting experience for me…