This one is done in a John Donne “Song” format (ababccddd).
He is considered a pre-eminent representative of the metaphysical poets.

is there no let up in this misery and strife
leaving this horror behind, please, can‘t it go faster
too much terror and grief, rips the heart like a knife
exchanging today’s deadly disease for wildfire tomorrow
its not fair to be trapped on this dark trail of sorrow
gold and joy in 2020, it was to be my very best year yet
for my dreams were to flourish, I’d have all that I could get
brassy fire ‘n tears are what happened, oh, such burning regret
rob kistner © 2020
You are on quite the poetry roll today! This is lovely.
Thank you Helen! Stuck in the house, sad and angry, because of Covid-19 and now the damned wildfires — what’s a guy todo… 😉
I love the format! This poem is well written and relatable, especially that concluding stanza.
Thank you RW!
Well done, Rob.
Thank you Judy.
When the year turned 2020 I kept referring to it as the year of visions. I had no idea how true it would be in so many ways. It’s been a living
nightmare. We need healing and new leadership.
Been here on spaceship earth going on 74 years, and I have never witnessed the like on such a global scale. VOTR VOTE VOTE… for Joe and Kamala!!
“Brassy fire ‘n tears” sums up the scorching regret of the poem: beautiful.
Thank you Dora… 🙂
I love your poem. Real, honest, raw. Sometimes that is exactly what we need! You say what we all feel. Most of the time I find hope at the end of a rope after I let go.
We are all hoping for better days ahead!
Thank you Mary. I think it will require honest, open-minded, caring, inclusive folks to create our own hope — VOTE!