Falling into a tangle
of vague thoughts
and near answers
slipping my grasp
tumbling jumbled
it careens away
down blind alleys
bouncing off suppositions
dodging conjecture
tripping over tongue tips
until hitting the wall
just why
did I
come in here?
rob kistner © 2021
Poetry at: dVerse
Bang on, brother–getting old is for warriors. And it isn’t fair that our synapse lose their zip. I think my recall is in my butt.
When I can’t remember what I got up for, I go back and sit down, look around, and usually it comes to me.
Loved being young, singing in a band, going cross country on my Triumph Bonneville 650 dual carb motorcycle., loved living in all the communes going across! Love being young free and full of come!
Some days, I ask myself the same question too. Have a good night!
Same as it ever was… ????
No point in asking, IMHO; but watch out for that wall, Bro.
Cool quad.
Thank youmRon, you’re a cool friend!???????????????
ohhhhh you’re poeming to the choir, so to speak! Can’t tell you the number of times if go into a room and then forget why. The bane of getting older….got to keep our sense of humor!
Love where you went with the word!
Oh, but thr great wisdom, that is thebewqard
we all know those moments … keep a notebook in your pocket to write on, it does help …
love it, good display!
Great idea kate, not sure I have the patients
It is an adventure and a privilege – getting old is for the tested to reflect and wonder, “do I need to stop?” To stop is regressive as others will surely move forward and increase the gap all the more.
You have nailed it here in your poem, Rob! Great write!
Thank you Hank — education should grow as exponentially as possible
I like this one a lot, Rob.
Be well,
Thank you David.you be well too my friend! 🙂
Ah, the vagueness of near answers…and probably my favorite Annie Lennox tune.
I have spent too many times standing in rooms wondering why the hell I walked in there! 🙂
Oh my goodness Rob, yes! It really sucks getting older, doesn’t it? A thought can be in my head for barely a minute before it disappears and is lost forever. I enjoyed your quadrille very much.
Thank you Christine! Your words here are encouraging. I guess I am not the only one playing Where’s Waldo in their daily life. It’s still frustrating! 🙂
just why
did I
come in here?
Oh yeah, to read your poetry!
A privilege to have such an extensive library of thoughts, as to find one lost in the index.
I like your perspective there Darius — I am going to embrace that moving forward. Thank you friend! 😉
Nice one Rob. Being young and free was wonderful. Being old and grateful is the place to be.
Much love…
True Gillena. Unfortunately, I’m getting a bit grumpy at times — but at least I still realize it, and reign it in. Much love to you my friend… 🙂
Lillian nailed it … poeming to the old-timer choir. Cannot keep track of how often I lose track ……….
Now they just say he’s old Helen. They used to say I was very strange… 🙂 By they, I mean me — I think?
This is incredibly powerful, Rob! The vagueness of those thoughts and near answers sometimes prove to be a blessing for us.. especially now .. as we struggle through the aftermath of the Pandemic. We are too severe upon ourselves, let us sit back and take it one day at a time. I know I do 🙂 We are Poets. Hear us roar!
PS: I am sorry I am late. Huge difference in timezone 🙂
With the added distraction of a mind that won’t shut off Sanaa, I find myself scratching my head more and more, trying to sort out a single focus. Oh well, guess I am glad I still know it’s happening… 🙂
To stand there not knowing where to go with everyone watching… a nightmare
I just begin talking to myself Bjorn, which I do ongoing, it’s just I speak up so those looking at me can hear me — they look away… 🙂
Ha! This happens to me, too, all too often!
It is happening more and more recently. I loose track often when I pick up my iPad to look something up, and I forget why — until I sit with it in my hands, and sift through my thoughts. About half the time I’ll remember. FRUUUUUSTRATING AS HELL!
Wasn’t expecting that ending, but made me smile!!! We can all relate to hitting that wall from time to time, I think I’ve had brain fog more often this year for some reason, (maybe too many allergy meds) but it’s poetic to share the frustrations of being human!
Glad that put a smile on your face Tricia. I think the COVID is slowly taking our sanity… 😉