“One Day I’ll Fly Away” — by: Hayley Roberts
in open freckled hands
so promise’s breeze
catches them to soar
I bestow my dreams
wings of trust
to carry me
to wisdom’s shore
I share my dreams
with an open mind
so resonant truth
inspires me to be more
rob kistner © 2019
Dreams can be uplifting if we carry them with us true! This is a lovely poem reflecting the image Rob! One that all dreamers and poets can relate to.
Thank you Carrie! I really liked your post as well this week. However, frustration continues — I have read every poet’s work on this week’s “The Sunday Muse”, but the majority of the Blogger sites (including yours) immediately disappear my comments — as does the main “The Sunday Muse” Blogger site… aargh#%!! Shay’s Blogger site “Shay’s Word Garden” DOES let me post, as do some other Poet’s Blogger sites — always! But NOT most — ever??! I am so damned confused.
I have had my comments disappear as well abd thought it had to do with my phone. Good job on the piem!
Thank you Toni.
I like how truth inspires one to be more.
One hopes one would elevate in the face of real truth. Real truth is rare. A lot of beliefs and opinions out there Frank — but real absolute truth is very rare.
I carry my dreams so they might soar….love love this sentiment!
I am pleased you do Lillian… 🙂
Really dig the image, and your lovely quadrille makes me smile as a bubble of hope rises. As to comments disappearing, I wrote a long paragraph at dVerse comments last Thursday. Something seems to be amiss in Bloggerland. I paid to check out my computer, found the trouble to be outside on the net; go figure.
Thank you Glenn! I read your comment on dVerse snd I think you are on yo something. It seems the issue hinges on the age of the Blogger site.
I like that opening image very much.
🙂 …thank you Jane.
The Illustration to your poem is amazing Rob, as is the idea of carrying dreams in your hands and letting them fly.
Thank you Kim. The image is from a visual prompt site >> thesundaymuse.blogspot.com
You had me at dreams, one of my favorite topics for poetry and any other conversation. Open hands, wings of trust, and resonant truth’s inspiration. I LOVE THIS POEM, Rob.
Thank you Lisa! 🙂
I love I carry my dreams in open freckled hands. Some hold too tight to their dreams, and thus never realize them. Excellent Rob!
Thank you Linda. If you wantyour dream to die, just choke it tightly.
The second verse is my favourite. The poet affirms that he beleives in his dreams, and in turn in himself
Thank you Gillena! 🙂
You have honoured dreams with care, trust and honesty. I love the way each stanza brings another layer to the topic of dreams and the use of open “freckled” hands gives an interesting visual…a personal touch.
I am trying to build a dream Mish… 🙂
This took me in and set my mind soaring…I had to read twice to find “freckled” (hands), flowed so naturally!
Thank you Lynn… 🙂
And dreaming keeps us alive in a manner of speaking.. 🙂
It is certainly proof that we possess awareness AJ.
Yes…..to be more
Yes, to be all one can at the peak of being so — that’s powerful Jane, unstoppable!
‘I carry my dreams
in open freckled hands’
I love this! Dreams carried in tangible, marked vessels. Lovely.
Carried to always have them close LL, and immediately ready to set them sail when they need be — keeping the dream alive and capable of coming true!
Beautiful words and picture. A great reminder of the wisdom found in youth.
Thank you Astrid. There is a natural realization in unjaded youth…
For me, this is a reminder to never let go of those dreams, even when one is older. Just reframe them. Lovely poem.
Thank you Victoria. 🙂
Open hands are the best place for dreams.
I agree Kerfe!
Love the rhyming and the message in this, Rob.
Thank you James!