Why is Seth Wheeler not famous and revered? Why do we not celebrate his outstanding contribution to the world? Why is his accomplishment not taught in schools, as part of the fabric of our nation?
We all know the name of Thomas Edison. Though, in current time, we’ve learned Nicola Tesla is the man who actually fathered the AC electric current, which now powers the world. But, the names of these two men glow brightly through history. And Henry Ford, Bill Gates, and Steve Jobs — we know these men because they made our lives easier, more comfortable.
Poor Seth, uncelebrated. People have fought in the streets over his invention! Yet, he’s essentially unknown. Undoubtedly, we look at him through the wrong end of the long telescope of time. Like he’s been wiped from history. Sad! After all, he invented rolled and perforated toilet paper!
rob kistner © 2020

Everyone give a hand for Seth Wheeler!!
Maybe a standing ovation Ken — though perhaps sitting would be more apropos… 😉
What an ynfair world we live in
Happy Monday Rob. Thanks for dropping by my blog today
So unfair — fame is down and dirty business… and you are welcome! 🙂
Now you’ve celebrated him, and I, for one, certainly won’t forget his name.
Yes Kerfe, I just had to…
ha ha! Indeed! The king of all inventions. Poor guy deserved a statue at the very least.
Something we use daily, and probably never knew the facts ‘behind’ the story… 😉
Oh yes, for such a time as this! He should clearly be recognized for his toilet paper in 2020!! Love this Rob!
Thank you Mary, glad you did… 🙂
I love it Rob… Wiped from History… pun intended!!
This is so good. I was totally surprised at the end… Completely wiped out!!
This was silly, butt fun to write… 😉
Good zoom in on Seth Wheeler. I think we all do revere our tp a bit more this year. I like how you said he’d been “wiped” from history, haha!
TP was big this year Trivia, no butts about it… no, did I really just say that?
Laughing here. And yes our shelves were empty here in Australia too. Life’s inessentials.
Who would’ve ever dreamed such a thing — butt it happened… 🙂
You had me wondering who Seth Wheeler was right up to the end…he really ought to be given the respect he deserves, along with Thomas Crapper!
Oh hell yes Ingrid! Tommy & Seth — they moved the world… and bottom line… kept it clean…! 😉
BYW I like how your quiet, crisp sense of humor adds so much to we merry band of PubPoets! Thank you Ingrid! 🙂 🙂
Sad! After all, he invented rolled
and perforated toilet paper!
Lots of convenience,yes, Rob, but somehow one would not prefer the occasion to be remembered that many times, perhaps. Great write!
Hank! I think an occasional — ahh, that feels nice! …would do a soul good… 🙂
I will never forget Seth Wheeler now! Thank you for sharing this. It made me smile and it made me think a little – about how we sometimes don’t value those simple things that make a big difference (bit deep there???).
No Sarah, try to imagine our modern life without TP — it would be barbaric! Something so taken for granted essentially becomes invisible… and so does the name behind it… 😉
I love the play on words in the title, Rob, it made me chuckle! I agree that poor Seth has been hard done by. Why don’t we know more about him? Maybe because people used to be embarrassed by toilets and toilet paper, while now they squabble over rolls of it in supermarkets and write about its dearth on social media.
It’s a matter or demand, supply, and respect Kim — as in allof life… 🙂
This is really crappy writing, RK. Well done!
Yeah, I knowvRon, it stinks — butt it was the best I could get on paper… 😉
Delightful Rob!
Thank you Linda… 🙂
*insert clappy hands* — EXCELLENT!!!
*insert old man trying to bow, then unable to stand straight again* 🙂 …thank you JP.
OKAY! You had me wondering all the way…..and then laughing out loud! Good old Seth….where would we be without him???
Glad I drew you in Lillian… 🙂 …we could always use corn cobs…
Yes… where would we have been having to viping ourselves with yesterday’s news?
The news always clings Bjorn. Besides, its already full of crap — just ask President pumpkin head.
wow thanks for the education Rob … I wont forget him now I’ve heard his name! His invention is so well used we’ve forgotten about the struggles before he rescued us!
The common everyday goes unconsciously taken for granted, until it’s gone. Human nature Kate, as you realize.
He truly deserves to be recognized and appreciated, yes!
Yes Sanaa… 😉