
“Carnival of the Harlequin” by: Joan Miró



Joan Miro’s cool art
enlivens my heart
to sing
my stalled joy restarts
as sorrow departs
takes wing
my wonder jumpstarts
regath’ring its parts

it’s bliss al a carte
its magic imparts
a zing
I love Miro’s art
his bold color chart
pure bling
enlivens my heart
Joan Miro’s cool art

“L’Air” by: Joan Miró

~ ~ ~

rob kistner © 2019


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  • 8 thoughts on “Zing!”

    1. It is indeed a cool art – thanks for the artist feature. Love the sing, zing and pure bling rhyming pattern.

      Thanks for participating in our poetry form challenge.

    2. I see Miro’s work as a dream world. This is where we grab from when we create. I can see why you like it. Zing is just right 🙂

      1. Thank you Frank! Miro, among a handful of surrealist like Escher, Dali, Magritte, Kahlo, Chagall, and Maar, – as well as modern abstractionists like Kadinski, Pollock, and Kooning are my favorites… and Henri Rousseau just because.

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